You can use the Message feature if you wish to communicate with another member directly instead of posting to public forums or groups.
Before you follow these steps, you'll need to ensure you're logged into your account.
To view or send messages, navigate to "Messages" by selecting your member name or profile picture in the upper right corner of any page and choosing "Messages" from the menu displayed.
Once in the Messages area, you can read new mail in the Inbox. Check your sent history in the Outbox. Manage your Contacts and Ignore lists.
To send a message, select "New message" to send a message to another member:
Choose the member you wish it sent to on the new message by hitting the "Select" button. Note you can only send a message to a single member:
At this stage, a window to select members will pop up. If it doesn't, please make sure your web browser doesn't block this pop-up window. If it did block it even after you told the browser to allow it, you might have to navigate away from this page and then back again.
Once you can see the pop-up "Select user" window, you can choose from contacts already in your contact list or search for new names of members you are familiar with from the Bullboards:
After selecting the contact and being happy with the message's contents, press send.
You can also start a new message with a member directly on the Bullboards using the User Actions menu on their profile picture:
You will be notified of newly received messages with a red bell icon by your user name and profile picture: