The default setting for everyone on each company's main Bullboard (forum) page is the Threaded view, which favours top-level topics, with comments hidden beneath and available to read once the Thread is opened. This view highlights the most recently updated conversations while maintaining context for each comment in a discussion.
We hope members will use the Threaded view; however, there are options. We have provided a drop-down "View" selector option on the Bullboards that will allow users to change the view from Threaded to Posts and Comments on the same level, ordered from the most recent to the oldest. Many members had used this same familiar sort order and filter before our changes on Feb 8, 2023, to favour Threaded conversations.
To make this change, click on the "Settings" gear icon at the top of the main Bullboard page:
In addition, a second view option is available to you when viewing a Discussion where you can use the default Discussion view that nests all comments related to which part of the discussion they were made in reply to. Alternatively, you may choose the List view, which shows the comments in chronological order disregarding which comment they were in reply to: