Your Stockhouse portfolio is a powerful investment tracking tool. You can create your Portfolio by following these steps:
1. Ensure you are logged in to your Stockhouse account and click on the Portfolio tab.
2. Click on the sign to add a new portfolio.
3. Fill in your new portfolio name and set the default currency to either CAD or USD.
5. A new portfolio has been created. You may now start adding symbols on your newly-created portfolio. To do this, click on . Enter the ticker symbol, the date of the transaction and the number of shares, and then click on the floppy disk icon. Add more symbols with this button, following the same aforementioned steps. Once you are done adding symbols to your portfolio, click on "Done" located at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: Remember to enter the symbols correctly:
T.XXX - for companies trading on the TSX Exchange. For example, T.BB, T.ABC
V.XXX - for companies trading on the TSX Venture Exchange. For example, V.INT, V.ABC
For American Exchanges, simply type in the ticker symbol: GOOG, YHOO, etc.