Yes! You can track your different types of stocks more effectively with our multiple portfolios feature. You can track up to 10 portfolios with each one containing up to 52 stocks.
Note that members subscribed to Stockstream service are allowed to create more that 10 portfolios with each containing more than 52 symbols.
- With Stockstream Basic, a member can have 10 portfolios with each one containing up to 52 stocks.
- With Stockstream Advanced, a member can have 20 portfolios with each one containing up to 52 stocks.
- With Stockstream Premium, a member can have 30 portfolios with each one containing up to 300 stocks.
Here are some of the reasons for grouping your holdings in multiple portfolios:
- Separate stocks you hold from those you are simply watching
- Group stocks by Exchange or Sector
- Monitor your various brokerage accounts separately
- Keep distinct Canadian dollar and US dollars portfolios
- Differentiate stocks by long-term and short-term strategy
- Track a portfolio for each member of your family individually
To launch a new portfolio click on the “New Portfolio” link, name your portfolio and click “Add New Portfolio”. Once the new portfolio is added, click on the “Edit your new portfolio” to add stocks to it.
Switch between your various portfolios by using the Portfolio pull-down menu located near the top left of each portfolio page.