Stockhouse is a community of investors interested in discussing their thoughts and views on publicly traded stocks. We do not want our members to be subjected to third-party advertising masquerading as member posts. Any posts or comments submitted by members that are used for advertising or promoting themselves or a third party will be removed. If there is persistent advertising content posted by a member, their account will be suspended from being able to make posts in the future.
Off-site links to content can very easily be seen as advertising. If a member posts content with third-party links, then those links must be relevant to the Bullboard they are posted on and they must be accompanied by text from the member that accurately describes what the content at the destination of the link is about. Without the context of what it is, there is a good chance that your post will be removed for violating our Advertising policy.
- Do not post links to off-site content that are not relevant to the Bullboard being posted on
- Do not post content that advertises third-party sites, products, or services
- Do not post content that links off-site to other forum sites. We do not allow the leveraging of our site to promote other forums