Stockhouse believes that the more content that is on-site, the better it is for the Community. Our goal is not to punish members that violate our community policies but to help nudge their behaviour in the right direction so that all of their content is written in a manner that complies with our Community Policies. We won’t terminate a member’s account with Stockhouse, although we may suspend their posting privileges if they can’t abide by our Community Policies. Even if suspended from posting, a member can continue to use their account to view news articles, videos, financial information, portfolios, watch lists, and private placement offerings, as well as view the Bullboard community posts and comments.
We actively monitor for compliance with our Community Policies. If a post is found to violate one or more policies, it will be removed. We will inform a member that their post has been removed through our ‘My Messages’ functionality that all members have access to. ‘My Messages’ is a private messaging system between members on Stockhouse. The member will receive a message from the CommunityManagement user. That message will inform them of what the violation was and, optionally, some feedback from the Community Specialist that reviewed and removed the post. We hope this transparency will allow members to understand our policies better so they can remain on the right side. Our approach is to provide members with some time to adjust and learn how to present their thoughts and ideas in an appropriate manner.
The Community Management team reserves the right to escalate our concerns about the behaviour of a member by suspending a member’s posting privileges. Suspensions occur when a member ignores our feedback on Community Policy violations. There’s no specific number of violations that will trigger a Suspension, it is at the sole discretion of the Community Specialist reviewing the posts and the member’s activity. If there are serious and numerous violations or a member is simply ignoring the warnings provided to them, they will likely receive a temporary suspension of their posting privileges. During this suspension, the member will still be able to use the Stockhouse site for all other activities, but they won’t be able to participate in any discussion. If a member receives a temporary suspension, they will be notified via a message, including how long the suspension will be in place.
There may be times when the Community Management team believes that an indefinite suspension of a member’s privileges is merited. Reasons for these would be activities such as (but not limited to); creating new accounts to circumvent a suspension, using accounts for the sole purpose of advertising, or using accounts for the sole purpose of trolling members and not participating in any substantive discussion. This action is at the sole discretion of the Community Specialist and may occur without prior warning.