Stockhouse does not screen content before it is posted. Our approach is to allow community members to get their thoughts and insights out as quickly as possible, after all, timing is everything in the stock investment arena. This, of course, means that there is great responsibility handed to members in making the right choices of what they post. Members can report alleged abuse of Community Policies on site. Every abuse report is evaluated by the Community Management team.
Stockhouse does not assess or aim to judge the substantive content of any post or comment. We do not attempt to verify or confirm the truth (or lack) of statements made in posts and comments. Members should be aware that other members could be intentionally or unintentionally providing false or misleading information, and it is up to each member to critically think about any content shown on the site. The community is expected to self-regulate and discuss contentious points and can answer for and to themselves. We believe in free speech, and all opinions, thoughts, and information are welcome as long as they do not violate one of the Community Policies.
We do review, and take very seriously, violations of our Community Policies. We will apply those policies rigorously to ensure that we have a strong discussion taking place. As a member, it is important to ensure all parts of your comments are in compliance. A comment with useful and substantive information that, for example, then attacks someone with profanity at the end of the comment is still in violation regardless of the overall value of the comment to the community (or that it’s “just one sentence”).
If we identify persistent violations from any member, then that member will be suspended either temporarily or indefinitely at the discretion of the Community Specialist reviewing the account.